Friends Call me Jim

Friends Call me Jim is a new movement concept for children aged 2-7. It offers immersive, story based programs tailored to childrens' age. The objective is to help kids discover that moving is rewarding and fun. This helps them develop a long-term positive attitude towards physical activity.







Bounce Twins

Bounce Twins



The Jim Family

Every child is different both in terms of their physical ability and their personality. The different Jim characters give every child someone to identify with. Together, the children, characters, coaches and parents are the Jim Family.

Friends Call me Jim

Jim Stories

Key to Jim’s approach is storytelling. Guided by their coach, children join the Jim characters on 10 week adventures. At every turn in the story, they’re presented with challenges and opportunities to explore new types of movement.

Immersive Technology to Support Coaches

The Jim Studios are designed to bring these Jim stories to life. The Playscape studio uses a modular system to create a different part of the story every week. The Lightscape studio is equipped with projections, sound and a moving L.E.D. floor grid to create an immersive and playful environment. These technologies help Jim Coaches to create powerful settings and entirely new ways to teach physical education.